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Category: Oregon Estate Planning

What happens to my credit card debt when I die? [Oregon estate planning]

Oregon estate planning: What happens to my credit card debt when I die?

Settling debts can be a major component of probate and estate planning in Oregon You might be planning your estate, setting up a trust, and/or writing your will. It can be comforting to think of how your assets can benefit people after you pass away. You might designate contributions to nonprofits or provide financial or other help to friends…

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5 things to do after you set up your Oregon trust

Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay

Do these things now so administering your trust is smoother later Establishing your Oregon trust is a big step, but the tasks you handle afterward are even more important. After all, a trust doesn’t take care of itself, and nothing winds up inside the trust without some work from you. Here are the next things to do after you…

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When should you update your Oregon will?

When should you update your Oregon will?

Updating your estate plan can be based on time intervals and life changes Your will is a crucial component of your estate plan. A will is not a set-it-and-forget-it document though. Now and again, it’s important to review and update your Oregon will so that it continues to reflect the realities of your situation and preferences. When to review…

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How long does small estate probate take in Oregon?

Small estate affidavit, or small estate probate, in Oregon

An Oregon Simple Estate or Small Estates Affidavit can take less time, but only certain estates may qualify In Oregon, a typical estate may require at least 7 months to fully process and conclude the standard probate process. However, Oregon has a special procedure for smaller estates. You might see it referred to as a Simple Estate Affidavit or…

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How does trust administration work in Oregon?

Trust administration in Oregon

Setting up a trust is only the first step. Oregon trusts have to be managed and closed properly too. Setting up a trust to benefit people and organizations can be an integral estate planning tool in Oregon. However, establishing the trust is only the first step. When it’s time to evaluate the trust’s assets and distribute them, trust administration…

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Should AI write your Oregon will?

Relying on AI to draft Oregon legal documents has pitfalls that could wreck your estate The influence of ChatGPT and other artificial intelligence, or AI tools, is only just beginning to be felt throughout society. AI tools are powerful and likely will transform industries and interactions in many ways. They also aren’t ready to take over setting up your…

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What are guardianships and conservatorships in Oregon?

Understanding what a guardian is and what a conservator is You might have seen it on a permission or a release form: “parent or guardian.” Or perhaps headlines about someone being in a “conservatorship” has piqued your interest, but also stirred up your confusion. After all, what are guardianships and conservatorships in Oregon? Are they for health? Finances? Adults?…

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What’s the difference between an heir and a beneficiary?

Who you include, exclude, and don’t mention in your estate can make all the difference in whether someone receives a bequest or is left out of your will When people consider whether or not they need an Oregon will, or who to include and exclude in their estate, it can get confusing. For example, do you need to mention…

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